If you’ve been doing on-page SEO for years, you know exactly how crucial canonical URL is. It’s a link tag with rel=“canonical” attribute you can add on posts or pages. The more contents you publish, the more likely you generate similar contents. And when you have similar contents, you’re running the risk of being penalized Continue Reading …
Exporting Focus Keyphrases with All In One SEO and Yoast
Focus keyphrases are keywords you want your posts or pages to get ranked on Google. It’s a built-in feature of Yoast and All In One SEO. Normally you’ll have to supply your content’s focus keyphrase in the dedicated field when writing a post. Once added, Yoast or All In One SEO scans your content and Continue Reading …
How to Export Yoast WooCommerce GTIN Data to CSV for Bulk Import
If you sell physical products online, it’s not enough to just get found on Google. You’ll have to ensure your products stand out on Google Search results. And that’s where Yoast WooCommerce SEO comes in handy. It’s an add-on to Yoast SEO that does all the heavy lifting for you. It provides fields for GTIN/ISBN/MPN Continue Reading …
Smart SEO CSV Import Export v7.6.0 Released
Welcome to Smart SEO CSV Import/Export v7.6.0! Explore all the new features and enhancements that come with this version including: Export/import of additional custom fields with ease Improved CSV file upload handling and more Export additional custom fields for bulk editing with ease Starting from version 7.6.0, it is now much easier to export additional custom Continue Reading …
Exporting WordPress Posts Categories and Tags to Spreadsheet
At its core, Smart SEO CSV Import/Export lets you manage the SEO side of your WordPress posts, pages, and taxonomies. It lets you export the following info by default: post_id post_date post_type post_title post_slug seo_meta_title seo_meta_description seo_meta_keyword seo_focus_keyword permalink The exported spreadsheet containing the above information gives you a simplified look at your posts, making Continue Reading …